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wisdom teeth removal requiring professional removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal and Common Complications

Still having any issues with your wisdom teeth? You are not alone. At Leaside Village Dental, we have helped scores of patients through their wisdom teeth removal journey. Let’s talk about what makes these pesky teeth so complicated and how we can help you find relief.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Ever wonder why we even have wisdom teeth? The third molars actually are a part of our evolutionary history. Our ancestors indeed needed these additional teeth for the hard food components in their diets, but human jaws have gradually become smaller with time. And this is quite unfortunate because, quite frankly, many of us don’t have room for these late-blooming teeth that appear between ages 17 and 25.

Why Wisdom Teeth Often Are Problematic

Think of it like trying to park a car in a space that’s too small-something’s bound to go wrong. When wisdom teeth try to emerge in a jaw that’s already full, they often end up growing sideways, partially emerging, or getting stuck beneath the gum line. This is what dentists call impaction, and it’s just the beginning of potential complications.

When Wisdom Teeth Act Up

Remember that dull ache in the back of your mouth that would not go away? That’s usually the first symptom of wisdom teeth problems. But impacted wisdom teeth can be real pains in the neck. They allow for very inconvenient spaces where bacteria accumulate, infections start, swellings, and pain could lead to issues with opening the mouth properly.

The Domino Effect

But here is the thing a lot of people don’t think about: wisdom teeth can alter alignment throughout the mouth. You can imagine that it’s sort of like taking a row of books on a shelf and then trying to add another book; the books end up shifting and bending. This somewhat describes what the teeth are like when wisdom teeth push their way in. So, those perfectly straight teeth from years of braces might begin to shift and create a whole new set of problems.

Early Intervention

You may wonder, “Why remove them if they are not bothering me yet?” It is simple – just like with that tiny leak in your roof, it’s better to patch it up before the next huge storm. Early removal helps to avoid such further potential serious issues as damage to healthy teeth, painful infections, and complicated surgical procedures.

The Road to Recovery

Let’s talk about what recovery really looks like. While everyone is different, most of our patients are surprised at how manageable it is. The first few days are the most important – think of it as a mini-vacation where you have full permission to binge-watch your favorite shows while enjoying smoothies and ice cream.

Making Recovery Comfortable

We’ll get you properly prepared for recovery. You’ll want to stock up on soft foods-yogurt and mashed potatoes will become your best friends-and have ice packs on hand. Most patients find they’re back to their normal routine within 3-5 days, though you might need to skip the gym for a little longer.

Separating Fact from Fiction

You’ve probably heard some wisdom teeth removal horror stories, but let’s set the record straight. Not everyone needs their wisdom teeth removed, and age isn’t the only determining factor. That’s because each case is truly different, and we use advanced imaging to develop a personalized course of treatment.

When to Give Us a Call


Trust your instincts. If you have chronic jaw pain, swollen gums, or recurring headaches, it’s time for a check-up. These symptoms might be your wisdom teeth trying to tell you something: “Hey, pay attention to me.” Or maybe you’re just curious about the state of your wisdom teeth. We’re here to help.

Your Partners in Dental Health

At Leaside Village Dental, we are aware of apprehension concerning your wisdom teeth removal. Rest assured, all steps necessary within the treatment are explained to you thoroughly in detail from our team members themselves. This encompasses everything, starting from a consultation to post-operative care for the highest possible comfort experience.

Ready to address your wisdom teeth concerns? Let’s talk about your options. Give us a call at (647) 346-3368 to schedule a consultation at our East York office. We are here to help you make the best decision for your oral health with the caring, professional approach you deserve.


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