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Services - East York, ON

Restorative Dentist

Repair Teeth With Our Restorative Dentist In East York

Leaside Village Dental helps you conceal various flaws to flaunt your best smile. Missing or damaged teeth can prevent you from having that perfect grin. Dr. Sohila Methani and Dr. Irfan Momin understand the challenges patients face while seeking tooth replacement solutions. To restore their smiles and make them feel confident about their grins, we are here to help. Whether you are seeking partial or full replacements for lost teeth, consult our restorative dentist in East York, ON.

Who Needs Restorative Dentistry?

Restorative dentistry is vital for individuals experiencing various dental issues. It's beneficial for:

Tooth Decay: Restorative procedures repair decayed teeth, preventing further damage and restoring their functionality and appearance.

Missing Teeth: Whether due to injury, decay, or other reasons, restorations can fill the gaps left by lost teeth.

Cracked or Fractured Teeth: Restorative procedures can strengthen and protect cracked or fractured teeth, restoring their strength and appearance.

Worn Teeth: Teeth that are worn down due to grinding or other factors can be restored, improving function and aesthetics.

Traumatic Injuries: Restoration treatments address injuries such as broken teeth or jaw fractures, restoring dental health and function for a better quality of life.

What Comprises Our Restorative Dental Care?

You can turn to our restoration dentist for the following treatments to revive your smile.

Dental Implants

Surgically implanted into the jawbone, these titanium posts serve as sturdy anchors for artificial teeth, mimicking the natural tooth root structure. One of the key advantages of dental implants is their permanence, providing a long-lasting solution that can endure a lifetime with proper care. Moreover, dental implants promote optimal jawbone health by stimulating bone growth and preventing deterioration, which often occurs with tooth loss. This preservation of bone density not only maintains facial structure but also enhances overall oral function. With the versatility to support single crowns, bridges, or even full dentures, dental implants offer a customizable approach to restoring smiles, providing patients with a natural-looking and fully functional set of teeth


Available in various types to suit different needs, dentures are removable prosthetic devices designed to replace missing teeth and adjacent tissues. Whether full dentures for complete tooth loss or partial dentures for specific gaps, these devices restore chewing ability, speech clarity, and facial aesthetics. While traditional dentures rely on a snug fit and natural suction to stay in place, implant-supported dentures provide an even more secure and stable solution by attaching to dental implants surgically placed in the jawbone. Proper care, including regular cleaning and professional adjustments, is essential for maintaining the comfort, fit, and longevity of dentures, ensuring continued functionality and a confident smile.

Consult Our Restorative Dentist To Improve Mouth’s Functionality

Experience the latest innovations in restorative dentistry at Leaside Village Dental. Our dentists genuinely care about patients’ oral well-being and revive their smiles with advanced treatments. If you want to learn more about dentures, dental implants, or other dental procedures, contact us or call call (647) 697-3379. Let our team restore the appearance and functionality of your teeth.

Our Dentists